Sitecore APIs: Creating an upto N level left navigation

Creating an up to N level of Left Navigation using Sitecore APIs or Renderings had always been cumbersome task for me. As while making this i many a times get confused on which step i m right now.

But, Finally i m able to make a structure of that type of code snippet and i am sure now that at least i can get help from this rendering (if i forget the logic :p ).

Only that was the reason that i thought to share it with you guys; as i am sure there are many programmers like me in town.

Declaration of required namespaces
System.Text: this namespace will be used for creating stringbuilder object
Sitecore.Data: this namespace will allow to create Database Object
Sitecore.Data.Item : this will allow Item Object
Sitecore.Configuration: this will allow us to create Factory Object
Sitecore.Collections: this will allow us to create ChildList Object in Code below
Sitecore.Data.Comparers; This will allow us to create ItemComparer Object in Code below


using System;
using System.Text;
using Sitecore.Data;
using Sitecore.Configuration;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using Sitecore.Collections;

namespace Layouts.Generalphbody

/// Summary description for GeneralphbodySublayout

public partial class GeneralphbodySublayout : System.Web.UI.UserControl

This Piece of code will create to variable objects in memory which will be further being used in Code.
StringBuilder strLeftNav will append data until it reaches to n Level and then this string will be assigned to Label or Literal for display purpose
Database dbMaster will hold database from which you are about to pull Data; that can be Master, Web or Core
isCurrent will hold current menu selected to attach specific class to enhance it.

#region Variables
StringBuilder strLeftNav = new StringBuilder();
Database dbMaster = Factory.GetDatabase("master");
bool isCurrent = false;

In Page Load Event we are creating an Item Object which will refer to the base content node
and a function call which will render left navigation

private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Item rootItem = dbMaster.GetItem("/sitecore/content/home");
if (rootItem != null)


private void RenderLeftNav(Item rootItem)
ChildList clChildern1 = rootItem.Children;

RenderSubitems(clChildern1, 1);


private void RenderSubitems(ChildList clChildern1, int iLevel)
    foreach (Item child in clChildern1)
    Item itmChild = dbMaster.GetItem(child.Paths.Path);
    if (child.TemplateName.ToLower() == "product section")
    Item current = Sitecore.Context.Item;
    if (child.ID == current.ID || child.Paths.IsAncestorOf(current))
    isCurrent = true;
    ChildList clChildern2 = child.Children;
    if (clChildern2.Count > 0)
    RenderSubitems(clChildern2, 2);

    else if (iLevel != 1)
    isCurrent = false;

ltrlLeftMenu.Text = strLeftNav.ToString();

private void RenderOtherMenu(Item child)
  • ");
    strLeftNav.Append(RenderLink(child, 1, isCurrent));

    private void RenderCurrentMenu(Item child)
  • ");
    strLeftNav.Append(RenderLink(child, 1, isCurrent));

    private string RenderLink(Item child, int p, bool isCurrent)
    StringBuilder strHREF = new StringBuilder();
    string url = child.Paths.GetFriendlyUrl();
    //if (Level == 3 && IsSelected)
    // strHREF.Append("
  • ");
    // strHREF.Append("
  • ");
    strHREF.Append(" " +

    child.DisplayName + "
    // strHREF.Append("
  • ");
    return strHREF.ToString();

